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Military Hearing Loss

If you suffer from hearing loss or tinnitus as a result of your military service, contact us today. We will handle your claim on a No Win No Fee basis.

Can I make a compensation claim for hearing loss?

If you have served or are still serving in the Army, RAF, Navy and Special Forces, you may experience hearing loss and or tinnitus.


Crown immunity for personal injury claims brought by service personnel was suspended when the Crown Proceedings (Armed Forces) Act 1987 came into effect. In order to bring a claim, all or of some of your service must have been after June 1987. Whilst you may have suffered military hearing loss serving before 1987, unfortunately you will not be able to claim for this because the MOD is covered by immunity.


Examples of the types of military hearing loss claims include:​

  • Exposure to excessive noise or short bursts of high frequency and high intensity sounds during training or exercise 

  • Inadequate, unsuitable or complete lack of hearing protection

  • Hearing Loss caused by the negligent discharge of weapons and explosions


You are able to make a claim for compensation even if you’ve previously made a claim through the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) or War Pension Scheme.

How do I make a claim?

Contact us for a Free Consultation: Your will receive free advice from a highly experienced Solicitor regarding a potential civil claim for compensation.

No-Win, No-Fee Representation: If we determine that your case has merit, we will offer to represent you on a no-win, no-fee basis, which means we only charge a fee if the claim is successful. 

Obtain evidence and medical evidence: We will request your service records from the MOD along with your medical records. We will also arrange for you to have your hearing tested. 

Letter of claim: A letter of claim will be submitted to the MOD who will then begin their investigations into your claim. 

Settlement Negotiations: If the MOD admit liability for your hearing loss we will then begin settlement negotiations. 

How much is my military hearing claim worth?

Every military hearing loss injury claim is different therefore the compensation award will be dependent upon the severity of your hearing loss and tinnitus.


You are also entitled to claim any expenses incurred as a result of your hearing loss, such as  hearing aids, tinnitus retraining therapy and loss of earnings. 


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